5 Backpacking Safety Tips for Your First Trip

backpacking safety tips

Backpacking is one of the most exciting ways to travel. It’s just you and the belongings you can fit in your rucksack, exploring places you’ve never been before.

Of course, that isn’t to say that it’s easy. When you tell some members of your family about your backpacking plans, they are likely going to be a little worried, thanks to some horror stories that have passed through generations. Thankfully, there are plenty of things you can do to help keep yourself safe when you’re backpacking.

Pack smart

Before you even step foot on the plane, make sure you’ve given yourself a head start by packing smart. You’ll likely only have a rucksack with you, so you need to make sure you’ve filled it with everything you need. The Secret Traveller blog over at 1Cover has a list of packing essentials you can’t forget, such as medical supplies, a copy of your documents, and a lock for your bag.


backpacking safety tips


Keep in touch

If you’re traveling solo, always make sure someone knows where you are. Check in with your family back home when you’re moving on to a new place, and let them know when you’re there – it will help put them at ease and it’s useful for someone to know where you are.

If you’re with a group or staying in a hostel, let someone know when you go out for the day and how long you expect to be, just so they’re aware. It might seem silly, but it’s always a good idea to stay safe.


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Do your research

Not only is it a good idea to know all about where you’re going, to allow yourself the opportunity to find all the best things to see and do, but it’s also important to find out which neighborhoods are known to be unsafe. With such easy access to the internet, there’s no excuse not to do a quick search to find out where locals and other tourists suggest you avoid while exploring. Another thing to look at is what scams are prevalent in certain countries. It’s easy to let your guard down or get distracted by something while traveling, and that’s when your bag could be stolen.


backpacking safety tips

Keep your wits about you

One of the best things at your disposal when keeping safe is your gut. Your instincts are often the first things to tell you if something is off. If something doesn’t feel right, don’t be worried about etiquette or politeness, just remove yourself from the situation as soon as you can. Don’t get too drunk, especially if you’re on your own, as you’ll be putting yourself in a
vulnerable position. This is when things can get dangerous, as you’re not as aware of your surroundings as you need to be.


backpacking safety tips

Try not to stand out

There are lots of ways you can stand out as a tourist and these are things that will make you a target for pickpockets or scam artists. Keep an eye on your belongings at all times and be sure not to wave money or gadgets around for people to see. Only withdraw from banks and don’t carry all your money on you at once – in fact, it’s a good idea to have a decoy wallet that you can give to someone if needs be, that doesn’t have your ID or credit cards in. Try and act confident, even if you’re a little lost, as you will seem less vulnerable.


backpacking safety tips


If you follow these tips, you should have no problems on your backpacking adventures and your family can sleep easily at night – until you book your next trip, of course!

Do you have any other tips for keeping safe while backpacking? Leave them in the comments.

This is a collaborative post with 1Cover Travel Insurance.

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