Paris Quotes: Our BEST Quotes About Paris

paris quotes, quotes about paris


If you’re exploring Paris and looking for a few Paris quotes to describe how you feel, you’ve come come to the right place. Here are my favorite quotes about Paris:


“I think Paris smells not just sweet but melancholy and curious, sometimes sad but always enticing and seductive. She’s a city for the all senses, for artists and writers and musicians and dreamers, for fantasies, for long walks and wine and lovers, and, yes, for mysteries.

-M.J. Rose

“Okay: go to Paris, check into a nice hotel, and my plan is I’m going to eat some fucking cheese and I’m gonna get drunk.”

-Anthony Bourdain on how to have a good time in Paris


“Paris is a place where, for me, just walking down a street that I’ve never been down before is like going to a movie or something. Just wandering the city is entertainment”

-Wes Anderson

“Paris is the only city in the world where starving to death is still considered an art.”

-Carlos Ruiz Zafon

“A bad day in Paris is still better than a good day anywhere else”



“Most of us are lucky to see Paris once in a lifetime. Please, make the most of it by doing as little as possible. Walk a little. Get lost a bit. Eat. Catch a breakfast buzz. Have a nap. Try and have sex if you can, just not with a mime. Eat again. Lounge around drinking coffee. Maybe read a book. Drink some wine. Eat. Repeat. See? It’s easy.”

-Anthony Bourdain

” Paris offers sweeping boulevards, chatty crêpe stands, chic boutiques, and world-class art galleries. Sip decaf with deconstructionists at a sidewalk café, then step into an Impressionist painting in a tree-lined park. Climb Notre-Dame and rub shoulders with a gargoyle. Cruise the Seine, zip to the top of the Eiffel Tower, and saunter down Avenue des Champs-Elysées. Master the Louvre and Orsay museums. Save some after-dark energy for one of the world’s most romantic cities.”

-Rick Steves

“Paris is one of the most well-known cities in Europe, and for that reason I never really expressed any desire to travel there..says the girl who now answers “Paris” when asked what her favorite city was”

-Lust for the World

“An artist has no home in Europe except in Paris”

-Friedrich Nielzsche


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